
Freitag, 20. Juli 2012


In die Frau eines seiner besten Freunde verliebt, schrieb Eric Clapton "Layla".
Der Titel ist einer persischen Legende "Layla und Majnun" entlehnt.

"Whoever would find a place in that world must tread on the lusts of this world. This world is dust and is perishable. That world is pure and eternal. . . . Commit yourself to love's sanctuary and at once find freedom from your ego. Fly in love as an arrow towards its target. Love loosens the knots of being, love is liberation from the vortex of egotism. In love, every cup of sorrow which bites into the soul gives it new life. Many a draft bitter as poison has become in love delicious. . . . However agonizing the experience, if it is for love it is well."

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